Personal loan is a type of unsecured loan specially designed to finance your personal budget and lifestyle. Such personal needs could be for emergency use, special occasion such as wedding or a grand birthday celebration, a much needed vacation, or home renovation works. Regardless of what reasons it may be, Swift Credit licensed money lender is happy to assist you a suitable loan for your personal financial needs.
At Swift Credit, we offer highly competitive interest rates for our personal loan packages. You can compare our rates with other licensed moneylenders and will find that we are one of the most affordable ones in the market.
Get your loan approval within 5-10mins as long as you have submitted the correct documents. Instant Cash will be disburse upon approval. When applying, please ensure that you have the following documents ready for submission. It will help to speed up the application.
For more information on our personal loan services, call us now at +65 6684 4129
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